DITA CREATE Annual Conference in 2024

DITA CREATE Annual Conference in 2024 is scheduled for April 29-30. This event is orchestrated by five CREATE programs at York University: DITA, SMART-ART, TABES, MTA, and AM-EDGE CREATE Programs. It will showcase five guest talks delivered by industry experts, along with an Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) talk. Around 100 attendees, comprising students and professionals from both industry and academia, are expected to participate in the conference. Additionally, 80 students will have the opportunity to showcase their research activities through poster and oral presentations.

Keynote Speakers

Poster Presentations

Detailed Program


Day 1, April 29:

Time Event
8:00  Breakfast & Registration
9:00 Welcoming Remarks Prof. George Zhu
Program Overview and Updates
9:05 AM-EDGE presented by Prof. Czekanski & Mr. Khan
9:15  DITA presented by Prof. Litoiu & Dr. Namrud
9:25  MTA presented by Prof. Lee & Dr. Guo
9:35 SMART-ART presented by Prof. Zhu & Dr. Hegde
9:45  TABES presented by Prof. Brar & Dr. Hegd
9:55 Group Photo Session
10:05  Break
Keynote Speech (SMART-ART program guest)
10:15  Topic title: Understanding Lunar Gateway Orbit Speaker: : Dr. Alfred Ng, Canadian Space Agency
11.00  NSERC Lounge: Informal Discourse on Research and
– Casual dialogues with NSERC delegates over coffee
Keynote Speech (TABES program guest)
11:45  Topic title: The Importance of Incorporating Indigenous
Knowledge and Perspectives in Environmental Decision Making
Speaker: Ms. Heather Swan and Mr. Michael Fox, Indigenous and
Community Engagement (ICE) Inc.
13:30  Lunch
13.15  Oral presentation by CREATE students - Session - 01 Oral presentation by CREATE students - Session - 02
Oral presentation by CREATE students - Session - 03 Oral presentation by CREATE students - Session - 03
Keynote Speech
14:00  Topic title: Intellectual Property (IP) Rights and the Value of a Strong IP Strategy Speaker: Ms. Andrea Ngo, Bereskin & Parr LLP
Career Compass: Navigating Your Future
-An insightful
discussion where seasoned professionals share their personal stories,
practical tips, and strategies for successfully transitioning careers.
14:45 Guests:
Dr. Alessandro Pellerit, BluMetric
Dr. Alfred Ng, Canadian Space Agency
Dr. Andrew Maxwell, York University
Mr. Andrew White, CHAR Technologies
Dr. Gilberto Vinícius de Melo Pereira, Federal University of Paraná, Brazil
Mr. Kevin Matthews, Sustainable Resource Solutions Ltd
15:45  Café Catalyst: Networking Coffee Break


to 16:30

with Dr. Alfred Ng
Event for York University faculty members only

Keynote Speech (MTA program guest)

16:35 Topic Title: Smart Textile - The Future of Healthcare, Fashion, and
Wearables but more importantly, women's health, (i.e Fibra inc.)!
Speaker: Ms. Parnian Majd, Fibra Inc.
18:30  Dinner & Networking


Day 2, April 30:

Time Events
8:00  Breakfast & Registration
9:00  Keynote Speech (Decolonization, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion) Speaker: Dr. Jean-Jacques Rousseau, York University
9:00  Keynote Speech (DITA program guest) Speaker: Prof. Ebrahim Bagheri, York University
10:30  Break
10:45  Oral presentation by CREATE students - Session - 01 Oral presentation by CREATE students - Session - 02
10:45  Oral presentation by CREATE students - Session - 03 Oral presentation by CREATE students - Session - 03
12:30 Lunch
13:15 Poster presentation by CREATER students
Keynote Speech (AM-EDGE Program guest)
14:45  Topic title:Are You Ready for an Entrepreneurial Journey? Speaker: Prof. Moren Lévesque, York University/td>
15:30 Coffee break
Keynote Speech (TABES Program guest)
15:45  Program Feedback and Remarks from NSERC – Ms. Samantha Gollop, NSERC Closing Remarks – CREATE Program Directors
5:00 CREATE Program specific meetings