DITA-Cisco Canada Webinar - Smart Buildings
Join us on February 3rd, 2022 @ 12:00-1:30PM (EST) for a webinar on “Smart Buildings”, organized by NSERC CREATE DITA Program in collaboration with Cisco Canada.
The webinar is hosted by Bill MacGowan, Director of Smart Connected Real Estate at Cisco Canada and an expert in the areas of converged building systems, enterprise integration and the delivery of high-performance business value. Cisco is a Canadian company and a worldwide leader in IT and networking, focused on transforming the way people connect, communicate, and collaborate. One of Cisco’s focus areas is developing IoT and smart building solutions to create healthier, safer, and more efficient facilities, and to help secure and automate operations, and compute and manage data (https://www.cisco.com/c/en_ca/index.html).
RSVP to register: nikfars@yorku.ca
DITA Webinar - Smart Infrastructure & Digital Innovation
Join us on November 29th, 2021, at 12:00-1:30PM (EST) for a webinar on “Smart Infrastructure & Digital Innovation”.
The webinar is hosted by Dr. Karim El-Basyouny, City of Edmonton Research Chair in Urban Traffic Safety and Associate Professor in Civil Engineering from University of Alberta (https://www.ualberta.ca/engineering/research/groups/smart-transportation/people/faculty-and-staff/karim-el-basyouny.html ).
RSVP to Register: nikfars@yorku.ca
DITA Workshops @ CASCON x EVOKE 2021
Register now for NSERC CREATE DITA workshops @ CASCON x EVOKE 2021, a premier industrial academic conference for advances studies in computer science & software engineering – sponsored by IBM Advanced Studies and EVOKE Foundation.
For Registration: https://www-01.ibm.com/ibm/cas/cascon/
IEEE Quantum Week 2021 -- Oct. 17-22, 2021
Hybrid quantum-classical systems which are at the forefront of quantum computing and engineering are perfect examples of IoT and CPS systems.
IEEE Quantum Week — the IEEE International Conference on Quantum Computing and Engineering (QCE) — is bridging the gap between the science of quantum computing and the development of an industry surrounding it. As such, this event brings a perspective to the quantum industry different from academic or business conferences. IEEE Quantum Week is a multidisciplinary quantum computing and engineering venue that gives attendees the unique opportunity to discuss challenges and opportunities with quantum researchers, scientists, engineers, entrepreneurs, developers, students, practitioners, educators, programmers, and newcomers.
Trainees are offered the opportunity to attend IEEE Quantum Week 2021 (Oct 17-22, 2021) as well as ON-DEMAND training until December 2021. Training opportunities in both hardware & software engineering and quantum computing & quantum engineering are available.
The program comprises 10 keynotes, 19 tutorials, 23 workshops, 48 papers, 30 posters, and over 35 exhibits. The Advance Program can be found here and is also attached: https://qce.quantum.ieee.org/. You may find more information about each program component by clicking on the respective cell in the sheet.
The advance registration deadline is Monday, September 13th, 2021. The advance registration rate for students is USD 200: https://qce.quantum.ieee.org/registration/registration-overview/
If you have questions or need more information, do not hesitate to contact DITA program or our mentor, Prof. Hausi Muller, QCE21 General Chair & Co-Chair Quantum Initiative (hausi@uvic.ca), directly!
Congratulations to Prof. Marin Litoiu, Director of CREATE DITA Program, for Winning IBM's 2020 Faculty of the Year Award!
The 2020 Faculty of the Year Award is awarded to Prof. Marin Litoiu, York University.
The deliberate energy of Marin’s consistent involvement and advocacy over decades has helped to shape the IBM Center for Advanced Studies, and has powered an incredible number of successful projects. His past role as a CAS Research Staff Member, and his position as a full professor at York University, are a testament to his outstanding scientific and technical ability.
Marin expanded his expertise to encompass critical AI and machine learning technologies. He has proven very effective at applying his research and his students’ efforts to key industrial problems to deliver innovation that matters.
Source: https://www-01.ibm.com/ibm/cas/cascon/CXEtechconf/awards.jsp
2020 DITA-IBM Hackathon
Please join us at an exclusive 2020 DITA IBM Virtual Hackathon, organized by CREATE DITA Program in collaboration with IBM Canada, on June 11th, 16th, 18th, and 23rd, 2020! IBM Canada, in collaboration with DITA team, will offer workshops and training on several IBM tools and platforms applied to the field of IoT.
Workshops Schedule:
- June 11, 2020; 11:00AM - 12:30PM (EDT): Student Orientation & System Setup
- June 16, 2020; 11:00AM - 2:00PM (EDT): IBM Cognos Analytics - Explorations
- June 18, 2020; 11:00AM - 2:00PM (EDT): IBM Cloud Node-Red; Earthquake monitoring system
- June 23, 2020; 11:00AM - 2:00PM (EDT): IBM Machine Learning
For more information and registration, contact us: nikfars@yorku.ca
IBM Conference: Think Digital, May 5-6, 2020
For those interested, IBM is offering free admission to its annual conference, Think Digital, held on May 5-6, 2020.
Follow the link for more information and registration:https://www.ibm.com/events/think/
Think Digital Event Experience
As the evolving impacts of COVID-19 ripple through our communities, we are all facing unforeseen challenges. But recovery doesn't happen alone.
Join us at Think Digital to gain new skills needed to adapt and evolve. Explore new ways of working and learn how to stabilize and protect your organization. Enhance IT resiliency, ensure business continuity and most importantly, stay connected.
Let's get thinking.
DITA Webinar: DITA Research & Technology Development in IoT
Join us on February 27th, 2020, 12:30-2:00PM (EST) to learn more about the cutting edge research and development being conducted by DITA researchers at various partner universities across Canada. The webinar, hosted by NSERC CREATE DITA Program, will provide insight into the innovative research and technology and explore opportunities for inter-disciplinary collaborative research in the field of IoT and its application, i.e, smart health, smart building, Security, and DevOps.
For registration and more information about this webinar, contact DITA Program Manager: nikfars@yorku.ca
Research on Cloud Computing Earns Award 10 Years After Publication
Professor Marin Litoiu, from York's Lassonde School of Engineering, along with an interdisciplinary group of colleagues, have received the Most Influential Paper award for research on cloud computing that was published 10 years ago.
The award was announced Nov. 5 during the CASCON x EVOKE 2019 Gala Awards Reception, and recognized a paper that was published at CASCON 2009, the 19th annual Conference for Computer Science and Software Engineering. It was presented to Litoiu and colleagues Ye Hu and Johnny Wong from the University of Waterloo and Gabriel Iszlai from IBM.
No stranger to collaborative research, Litoiu is jointly appointed as associate professor in the Lassonde School of Engineering’s Electrical Engineering & Computer Science Department and in the Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies' (LA&PS) School of Information Technology.
The paper, "Resource Provisioning for Cloud Computing," explored the then newly created field of cloud computing and how computing resources can be allocated across a mix of applications to minimize cost and maintain performance.
Most Influential Paper awards are decided by a selection committee that evaluates the academic and industrial impact of a paper and its influence in shaping the research field.
Up until cloud computing, applications were deployed on a number of dedicated computers based on peak demand. This was not a cost-effective strategy because during off-peak times, computing resources were not used efficiently. In contrast, in cloud computing, resources can be shared by many applications and can be dynamically provisioned (technique known as autonomic resource management). This can yield efficient resource usage as well as a quick response when workloads change. To this end, Litoiu and his team examined autonomic resource management in cloud computing and devised dynamic strategies for sharing resources based on application characteristics.
CASCON is the premier industrial and academic conference for advanced studies in computer science and software engineering sponsored by the IBM Canada Laboratory. CASCON attracts software developers, researchers, innovators, technologists and decision-makers from academia, industry and government who come together to learn about technology trends, present papers, participate in workshops and exhibit prototypes and solutions.
To learn more about this research, see the award-winning paper, Resource Provisioning for Cloud Computing, published in Proceedings of the 2009 Conference of the Center for Advanced Studies on Collaborative Research, November 2009.
Source: Lassonde School of Engineering (https://lassonde.yorku.ca/articles/research-cloud-computing-earns-award-10-years-after-publication)
Building Smart Infrastructure: Graduate Program Trains Industry-Ready Students
Eleni Stroulia (right) is a professor in the Department of Computing Science and UAlberta lead of the DITA CREATE program. Photo credit: John Ulan
You pull into the nearly full parking garage, running late for your meeting. Instead of driving in circles looking for a spot, you glance at your phone, which tells you there’s an available stall on the second floor. An application like this that relies on a sensor (in this case, parking lot cameras) to influence the real, physical world (such as by telling you where to park), is one small example of the Internet of Things, or IOT, at work.
A new graduate program in the University of Alberta’s Department of Computing Science is training industry-ready graduate students in just such technology. The program, called the Dependable Internet of Things Applications (DITA), is an NSERC Collaborative Research and Training Experience (CREATE) Program, designed to facilitate the transition of new researchers from trainees to productive employees in the workforce.
“Many companies use a business model that involves deploying sensors and collecting data,” said Eleni Stroulia, professor in the Department of Computing Science and UAlberta program lead. “We are training graduate students who will understand the entire pipeline, from software development to data interpretation.”
Creating a smarter world
There are four core application areas for DITA: smart buildings, smart transportation, autonomous vehicles, and personalized health care. Stroulia’s expertise is in smart buildings, including the Smart Condo project that she co-leads with Lili Liu in the Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine.
“Consider a more simple application of building security,” explained Stroulia. “One such application could be an application given to everyone who requires access to a certain space. With your pass or app, you are only able to access the rooms you need. It’s not the same as just having an app that replaces a key. The trick is giving access to specific people for specific times, so that someone has access when they are invited but not any other time.”
The DITA program is designed to train graduate students in all elements of the process of developing IOT technologies—from deploying sensors and collecting data to developing software and data interpretation—which are informed by strong industry partnerships.
Graduate students will gather practical work experience through internships with industrial partners, such as Schneider Electric and IBM Canada. Students will work on joint research projects and attend hands-on workshops on the latest technologies.
“These models can be applied anywhere with similar historical data and the necessary sensors,” said Stroulia. “From conducting speedy evacuations to getting hungry students to leftover catering, the case for building a smarter world is strong.”
DITA is a collaborative training program developed and delivered by York University, Polytechnique Montreal, Ryerson University, University of Alberta, University of Toronto, and University of Victoria. DITA is the fourth CREATE program in the Faculty of Science, where it joins the Alberta / Technical University of Munich International Graduate School for Hybrid Functional Materials (ATUMS), Diamond Exploration Research Training School (DERTS), and Quantum Nanotechnology Training in Alberta (Quanta).
Author: Katie Willis, Faculty of Science, University of Alberta (for more information click here)
From November 4th to 6th, 2019, the IBM annual academic and research conference, CASCON is partnering with the annual developer conference, Evoke to present CASCON x EVOKE.
CASCON x Evoke will feature over 1,500 attendees bringing together the worlds of academia, research, development and every industry for three days of demos, discussions and talks on everything AI, Blockchain, Cloud Computing, Data, Extended Reality, Quantum Computing, Software Engineering and more. It attracts software developers, researchers, innovators, technologists and decision makers from academia, industry, and government who come together to learn about technology trends, present papers, participate in workshops, and exhibit prototypes and solutions. Conference proceedings are published in the ACM Digital Library.
For more info about the workshop here.
2019 DITA 1st Workshop
DITA Program is offering the 1st DITA Workshop on May 9th & 10th, 2019, 8:30AM - 5:00PM.
The Workshop consists of a full-day Integrative Course, "Software Engineering Lifecycle of IoT Systems", offered on May 9th; followed by a full day of workshops, organized by DITA program and conducted by IBM. DITA students, DITA professors and industrial partners coming from different areas of expertise and backgrounds come together from across Canada to learn and enjoy two full days of activities and knowledge sharing.
For more information visit here!
DITA IBM Orientation Workshop
Please join us at DITA IBM Orientation Online workshop, organized by DITA Program in collaboration with IBM Canada, on May 3rd, 2019, 2:30-4:30PM! The workshop will provide DITA students with an intro to IBM platforms and cloud in relation to IoT and its applications.
For more information and registration, contact nikfars@yorku.ca
DITA Webinar Series: Schneider Electric
2nd in NSERC CREATE DITA webinar series on IoT and its application, organized by CREATE DITA Program, will take place on May 3rd, 2019, 11:00AM-12:30PM.
Schneider Electric will be our invited speaker presenting on the state-of-the-art research and technology in the area of IoT and its value for manufacturing and industry.
For more information and registration, contact us at nikfars@yorku.ca
DITA Webinar Series: ecobee
The 1st DITA webinar on IoT will take place on February 28, 2019, 2:30-4:30PM (EST), at Room 203, Bergeron Centre of Engineering Excellence Building, York University, Keele campus. ecobee will present their latest research and innovation in the area of IoT. For more information about ecobee company, visit here.
YFile News: Applications sought for the CREATE Dependable Internet of Things Applications (DITA) Program
Are you interested in continuing your education in the area of IoT and its application? For more information, check out here.
A CASCON Workshop on Cloud Computing and IoT
“The 10th CASCON Workshop on Cloud Computing” will take place on Tuesday, October 30, 2018, 3:15-5:15 PM in Hilton Toronto/Markham Suites, Conference Center and Spa, 8500 Warden Avenue, Markham, Canada L6G 1A5. The workshop will explore the state of the art and research challenges at the intersection of cloud and IoT, as part of the 28th Annual International Conference on Computer Science and Software Engineering (CASCON 2018).
For more info about workshop here.